Sunday, February 15, 2009


if u wanna see photos go to

then u can see what we are up to!


back in augsburg now, ready for a full week of schools and workshops and concerts. last week 3 girls changed their lives for Jesus and its very exciting!! the concert on sat night was awesome. lots of mistakes but who cares we glorified God yay!

pray for health...some of us are sick...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

hamburg and now munster!

well its been access has been limited but we had an amazing week in hamburg, they think we're celebrities just cos we speak english and are performers from overseas! its pretty funny, at one school they even rioted to follow us into the cafeteria and then watched us eat lunch like popparrazzi. but the number of kids who came to the workshops and concerts was overwhelming - off the hook! the kids learnt dances or choir pieces and then performed them halfway thru the concert on friday night and it was so cool, getn to kno them and working with them and they were great! a bit too rowdy to do any kind of altar call but they definitely left with a bigger understqanding of who God really were in munster! had a day trip to amsterdam and it was a pretty intense city but really cool to see...freezing tho, the rain was like ice.


Thursday, February 5, 2009


oh my ive got two minutes to say alot but we're in hamburg now and its pretty cold but going well. we've performed in 3 schools for aaaages each time and this avo we have workshops with dancers and singers from the schools. alot are planning on coming...hope its not too crazy. at todays school they actualy went crazy like we were popstars or celebrities or sumthing, and when we went into the cafeteria for lunch they stalked us and starting rioting in the doorway and me and shaz got squashed haha it was pretty intense. little crazy teenagers. weve all signed about 200 autographs so far i think

we're gonna be on northern germany TV!! theyre doing a 4 min piece on us on the news and have been recording us and videoing stuff at schools and will be at the workshops today, then also at the concert on friday.

emails prty limited so dunno how much i can email everyone but ill try

please pray for strength and energy and patience and for us as a team. yay!
